• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Official Student Paper of Riverside Poly High School

Month: April 2024

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  • Poly Boys Tennis: Ready For What’s To Come

Poly Boys Tennis: Ready For What’s To Come

Written By: Sakura Snyder, Staff Writer EXCITING: The Boys Tennis team sweeps through their league while holding high expectations for the future. The spring season marks an exciting time for…

Saying “See You Later” To Mrs. Wilson

Written By: Holly Pulley, Staff Writer RETIRING: Mrs. Wilson shares her Poly experience before she ends her educational career. As the year comes to a close, Poly High’s 2024 graduating…

Poly Swim Team Making Memories


Connecting with Students Through English: The Legacy of Ms. Marlowe

Written By: Owen Weems, Editor-in-Training CONNECTION: Ms. Marlowe, an English teacher here at Poly, is retiring, but her impact here on campus will not be forgotten. It is both melancholy…

Bidding Mrs. Mooring Adieu

Written By: Delaney Cordes, Staff Writer SPOTLIGHT: Retiring teacher Mrs. Mooring reflects on her time as a teacher at Poly and the new adventures to come in the future. After…

Poly High School ASB

Written By: Isabel Yrungaray, Staff Writer STUDENT GOVERNMENT: New positions are appointed for the 2024-25 school year to serve the student body and bring ideas to life. Each year, an…

Students Pave the Way

Written By: Daniel Holscher, Staff Writer STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: Poly students around campus come together to write and create a film, all without adult supervision. A New Opportunity Arises: Poly High…

Life on a Canvas: A Exploration of the Significance of Art

Written By: Isaac Julian and Owen Weems, Staff Writers IMPACT: The ever-changing practice that is art has had an amazing, dare I say profound, impact on human society, thought, and…

The Importance of a Good Pencil

Written By: Miles Watts, Staff Writer VALUE: The significance of a pencil or pen has long been overlooked despite many being exceptional in features and in quality. Many people see…

Poly’s New Bell Schedule

Written By: Holly Pulley, Staff Writer UNPOPULAR: Teachers and students have differing opinions on the new bell schedule. After the recent uprising in violence and shooting threats plagued the Poly…

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